
The Urban Design Academic Council supports educators, researchers and professionals who advocate for the value of urban design in academia and practice. We aim to build and expand the reach of the field and foster a network of exchange and mutual support between allied programs, faculty, the civil society, and the industry, in order to establish a thriving discipline that advances the design of democratic, just, livable, and sustainable urban environments.

UDAC Goals:

  • Expand and promote the reach of the field through the dissemination of writing, projects, publications, exhibitions, pedagogies, and other initiatives.

  • Foment, support, promote, and diversify urban design research and creative practice.

  • Mentor and support the next generation of urban designers and urban design faculty.

  • Diversify, innovate, share, and improve urban design pedagogy beyond traditional degree offerings.

  • Develop a pipeline of students in urban design and strengthen links to the profession.

  • Conceptualize new urban design degree types and formats.

  • Build trans-disciplinary and cross-institutional networks around urban design.